Brooklyn’s Best

Brooklyn is home for both of us. It’s where we’ll be getting married and spending our time when you come to visit. We’d recommend finding a place to stay in Brooklyn. Here are some of our recommendations.


To make life easy, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite spots, bars, restaurants, activities, venues, takeout, cheap-eats, all the works.

Check out our pins on Google Maps!

Getting Around

Brooklyn is super navigable without a car! We encourage everyone who’s coming from out of town to try out the wide variety of public transit options that make New York easy city to navigate.

  • Get a MetroCard, or use any credit card (or phone) with Tap to Pay. Selecting public transit on Google Maps will make finding your destination easy. While crowded, it’s hard to imagine a more beautiful expression of our common humanity than enduring a 45 minute delay on the A train during your morning commute.

    To make things easy, download the MTA app. With just $2.75 you can get anywhere in the city (transfers to busses are free too!)

  • Busses are much faster and more reliable than most folks say. Give em a try! Running around local Brooklyn neighborhoods is very easy given the density of bus lines.

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